Recommended Resources: Gospel by J.D. Greear
Earlier in April, our theme for Boot Camp 2019 was "Gospel Story." We often encourage our church's students to live the Gospel or to...
Parenting is hard work. There are always more tasks to complete. There are always more hopes to fulfill. There can be a constant pressure...
Just Do Something
All the time, we see students paralyzed by choices. How do they know what God wants them to do? Search their feelings? Look for a sign?...
Pray For Me
Pray For Me consists of a series of tools designed to help you pray for the next generation of believers. As you work through the 13-week...
Splink: Weekly Family Ideas in Your Inbox
In Deuteronomy 6:6-9, the LORD instructed Old Testament Israel, "And these words that I have command you today shall be on your heart....
How You Always Meant to Parent
Every parent has a never-ending list of tasks and goals for raising your child. There are never enough hours in the day or days in the...
Every Parent's Battle: A Family Guide to Resisting Pornography
How do you talk to your children about the dangers of pornography? We avoid it because it's awkward or because we think "my child would...
12 Ways Your Phone Is Changing You
Looking back on the last decade of life and ministry, the smartphone is the single most significant difference maker in our lives,...