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Invite a Child to VBS

Years ago, churches reached children through their parents. Today, one of the most effective ways to reach parents is through their children. June is Vacation Bible School month. We will hold our 2018 VBS on June 25-29. We offer any child in our community the opportunity to enjoy a truly life-changing week. There will be crafts, music, activities and of course Bible lessons. All of our VBS students are exposed to the Gospel. For many of our students, this is the only time during the entire year that they come into contact with the Bible and God’s message of salvation. We have a couple of hundred volunteer church members that staff our VBS each year. They love the Lord and they love children. The children growing up in our world today are classified by demographics as ‘Gen Z’. They are the children born between the years 2000 and 2018. They are a generation growing up in what is classified as post-Christian America. More than ever, each of us must prayerfully consider how the Holy Spirit of God can use us to connect this generation to Jesus. It could be a child in our neighborhood, a child of a co-worker, or someone we meet in a check-out line. Let’s all keep our eyes open for the Holy Spirit’s guidance and leadership. Sometimes, all it takes is an invitation from a friendly face. The cost for a student to attend the entire week of VBS is free. The cost for them not to be exposed to this gospel-centered week is incalculable.

Blessings, Dr. Joe

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