Season of Love: The 2018 Greensboro Christmas Spectacular
In England, during the Industrial Revolution of the 19th century, thousands of orphaned children ran tattered and torn through the filthy streets of overcrowded cities. Due to their desperate circumstances, hungry, homeless children often resorted to a life of crime to survive and bore little hope of ever rising out of their hopeless conditions.
A man of prayer and great faith, named George Mueller, knew something had to be done about the plight of the orphan. In 1836, he and his wife opened their hearts and home to one orphaned girl. By the end of his life he had fed, clothed, educated and spiritually nurtured over ten thousand children through his orphanage in Bristol, England.
Interestingly enough, Mr. Mueller never asked anyone for money to support his work with the orphans. He simply asked God in prayer to meet the orphans’ needs and trusted Him to provide. Mueller recorded in his journals over 50,000 answers to prayers and God channeled what would be over half a billion dollars through his hands in today’s money.
Join us as we step back in time and experience the sights and sounds of an orphans’ Christmas with Mr. Mueller and the residents of Ashley Down.