We are Lawndale
It’s always good to have markers to reflect back on. Here are a few markers from January for Lawndale, especially in regard to our study in Genesis:
*We affirmed God created the world and a young earth. We know from Genesis 1-3 how we got here, why we are here, and what went wrong. Ultimately, we will give an account of our lives to our Creator.
*We affirmed God created gender, male and female. He gave specific assignments for the man and the woman, and our obedience to Him affirms our trust in Him. Because men and women are made in the image of God, we are equal. At the same time, we are different because we’ve been given different responsibilities.
*We affirmed the suffering, struggles, and death in the world are a direct result of sin. Adam and Eve chose to disobey God which infected all who would follow. The only remedy would be the seed of the woman (Gen 3:15; Gal 4:4), the Rescuer, Jesus Himself (Jn 14:6).
For February, we will move toward the Flood (Genesis 4-6). Keep the churchwide memory verse before you and your family (Hebrews 11:1-3). What we believe about the beginning is a matter of faith. It is for everyone because only God, Adam, and Eve were there. I believe the Genesis account of creation because I believe the Bible; I also think it is the best (and most reasonable) option. God is the Cause, the Designer, the Creator.
I’m loving the conversations we’re having with those who are following the church Bible reading plan through the New Testament. You can still catch up if you haven’t started. For most of February, we will be reading the Gospel of Mark. I so much appreciate Mark’s emphasis on Jesus as the Servant; He is the King (Matthew) and yet a Servant. A very simple outline could be:
The Ministry of the Servant, 1-10 (coming, miracles, teaching)
The Mission of the Servant, 11-16 (opposition, preparation, crucifixion, resurrection)
On Sunday evenings at 5pm, watch for these opportunities:
Feb 6 Worship Service (Singing, Curt Dean Preaching, Deacon Testimony)
Feb 13 No On-Campus activities to allow for Super Bowl Fellowships
Feb 20 Men’s and Women’s Gatherings
Feb 27 Worship Service (Singing and Deacon Testimonies)
Most of our Wednesday night classes are offered in a way you can join any time. Hope to see you at dinner (5:15pm) and/or one of the studies (6:15pm) over the next weeks. We have some of the best teachers, some great classes, and really good fellowship together.
We are Lawndale, a biblical and intergenerational church. We strive for biblical worship, intergenerational ministry, a discipleship culture, family equipping, and leadership development. May God be glorified through us in February!
